By choosing to limit the number of guests you invite, you can have a more casual and intimate wedding ceremony.
There may be many reasons for your choice and these reasons may include
- a limited budget,
- a desire to use the money you would have spent on a large and lavish wedding on something else, like a deposit for a house or travelling instead,
- a wish to spend your budget on a smaller destination wedding
- avoiding the stress of organising a large wedding
- avoiding the pressure from family and friends to have a wedding that is not your dream
- you live overseas and can't easily fulfil the required residency for giving notice
- you are waiting for a divorce to be finalised but want to make a commitment now
- you are unable to book a slot with the registrar but want to have your ceremony as soon as possible
- your legal marriage, whether recent or several years ago, didn't feel special enough and want to create a different memory
- you just don't want a big wedding